

CEO Kathua got the certificate of Appreciation from District Administration Kathua under Swachhta Hi Seva Program

CEO Kathua got the certificate of Appreciation from District Administration Kathua under Swachhta Hi Seva Program
 (Kathua): On the eve of Gandhi Jayanti, Distt. Administration Kathua recognised the Proactive participation of Chief Education Officer Kathua Sh. P.L.Thappa and presented him a certificate of Appreciation under Swachhta Hi Seva Programme organised by Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Kathua.

 It is the first time when CEO got the appreciation from Distt. Administration. Sh. P. L. Thappa who joined as CEO Kathua last year and put his all efforts to bring the Education Department of Distt Kathua at No. 1 in all spheres. Kathua always shines in academics, sports, cultural and other centrally sponsored surveys/initiatives and flagship programmes under his able guidance and dedication. During his tenure the students from Kathua Distt brings laurells in Kala Utsav 2021 at National level, and also in other State/UT level and national level competitions. He always focus on the all round development of School Children. He is the officer with difference. His teacher friendly approach always motivates and encourage the enthusiasm among teachers of the Distt. Kathua.

On the initiative taken by DSEJ to celebrate Gandhi Mahotsav 2022 by conducting various activities under Shanti Yatra in schools of Jammu Province. Schools of Kathua too conducted all these activities successfully  under his supervision.

He played a vital role in the  programme celebrated w.e.f. 15 September to 2 October by Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Kathua, as he motivated various students and Teachers of different Schools of Kathua Distt to participate in Swachhta Hi Sewa programme and made this programme a grand success around every nook and corner of the Distt. Today on 01.10.2022,  D.C. Kathua Sh. Rahul Pandey (IAS) presented him a certificate of appreciation for his examplery contribtion in this programme. It is the matter of pride for Kathua.  Many teachers of the Distt send him their well wishes and congratulated him on this achievement.

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